Are other labels, symbols or markings (such as third country energy labels) allowed? - European Commission Skip to main content
Energy Efficient Products

Are other labels, symbols or markings (such as third country energy labels) allowed?

For products already covered by Energy Labelling, it is not allowed to 'provide or display other labels, marks, symbols or inscriptions' which do not comply with the applicable energy labelling requirements, if doing so would be likely to mislead or confuse customers [...];

For products not covered by Energy Labelling, it is not allowed to supply or display labels which mimic the labels provided for under Energy Labelling regulations;

Energy labels fulfilling the requirements from a third country would be in breach these of obligations.

Disclaimer: Please note that the European Commission cannot provide a legally binding interpretation of the EU legislation, as this is the sole competence of the European Court of Justice. Any remarks from the European Commission services are without prejudice to the position the Commission might take should related cases arise in a procedure before the Court of Justice.