This section contains questions and answers of general interest concerning Ecodesign and Energy Labelling. The answers typically reflect a common understanding between Commission services and the Market Surveillance Authorities of Member States. However, a binding interpretation of Union law is the sole competence of the European Court of Justice, and the Commission shall not be liable for any damage or loss howsoever caused that may result from relying on the information provided here.
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FAQs (392)
RSSA product, consisting a solar collector connected with, a hot water storage tank and an electrical resistance that is only activated manually and used for a few times annually is ...
Parameters without tolerance values should be reviewed when revising the regulations to evaluate whether tolerance values can be added. In other ...
A separate product family shall be defined for a server that does not have all its processor sockets populated, such as a 2-socket server with only ...
The electric power input is measured at the declared maximum flowrate, and at the pressure difference related to the maximum flowrate. For BVUs, the ...
The electric power input is measured at the declared maximum flowrate, and at the pressure difference related to the maximum flowrate. For BVUs, the total ...
Until the specific tyre type part of the OEM is registered in EPREL, the vehicle supplier cannot access the information related to the tyre type. Thus, ...
Ecodesign applies to energy-related products which are intended to be placed (and/or put into service) on the Union market, irrespective of the selling...
Registering products in EPREL is the pre-condition required under EU law before placing products on the Union market. The same requirement applies to ...
If the supplier provides a software update to the dealer which changes the product, including its efficiency, the supplier has to provide a new label and ...
As far as the content of the technical documentation is concerned, testing one combination for each separate space heaters heat generator and housing ...