This section contains questions and answers of general interest concerning Ecodesign and Energy Labelling. The answers typically reflect a common understanding between Commission services and the Market Surveillance Authorities of Member States. However, a binding interpretation of Union law is the sole competence of the European Court of Justice, and the Commission shall not be liable for any damage or loss howsoever caused that may result from relying on the information provided here.
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FAQs (392)
RSSDealers cannot register products in EPREL as this obligation is to be performed only by manufacturers for their own products or importers and/or ...
For definitions (36) to (40) and (46) ( the definitions specifically indicate that the control can be external. For definitions (33) to (35), (45) and ...
No. By definition, ”equivalent models” are registered under different identifiers and have their own label each. The Regulations setting requirements ...
Voluntary display to potential customer or customers of rescaled or new labels either online or in physical shops is not allowed before the date ...
These plugs limit the usability of the EPS to one manufacturer’s equipment. This is not considered specific for one model, so the replacement parts ...
It is recommended to declare the design capacity whenever the seasonal space heating efficiency for heating is declared. Only in this way, the end-user ...
Yes. The definition of rated power in the relevant IEC/EN standard is more precise that the one in the Regulation and does not contradict it in anyway, ...
The regulation text does not leave room to interpretations on this point: 'The information in the product fiche of the television shall be provided in ...
Annex II of Regulation (EU) 2020/740 mandates a minimal label size of 75x100mm. Any technical promotional material shall display the tyre labels. No ...
Yes. One entry in Table 9 of Annex XI reads “CRI and R9 [0-100]”. The 0-100 range applies only to CRI and not to R9. This is in line with the definition ...