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Energy Efficient Products
Solid fuel boiler image
Solid Fuel Boilers

Energy labelling and ecodesign requirements apply to this product.

Solid fuel boilers are similar to central heating boilers. Their purpose is to heat multiple rooms by means of the transport of hot water through a plumbing system.

The difference is the input source, which are solid fuels instead of gas, liquid fuels or electricity.

solid fuel for boilers

Source: estimations from the Ecodesign Impact Accounting Overview Report 2024


The following table shows some examples of products in scope and out of scope in the Ecodesign Regulation:

In ScopeOut of Scope
  • Solid fuel boilers with a rated heat output of 500 kilowatt (‘kW’) or less, including those integrated in packages of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices as defined in Article 2 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/1187.
  • Boilers generating heat exclusively for providing hot drinking or sanitary water
  • Non-woody biomass boilers

Check the complete list in the Ecodesign Regulation and Energy Labelling Regulation

Ecodesign Requirements

Ecodesign requirements for solid fuel boilers with a rated heat output of 500 kW or less are mandatory from 2020 onwards for all manufacturers and suppliers wishing to sell their products in the EU.

These requirements are also applicable to boilers that are part of packages consisting of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices. The requirements cover energy efficiency and air pollutant emissions.

Energy Label

New solid fuel boilers with a rated heat output of 70 kW or less are labelled on an energy efficiency scale ranging from A+++ (most efficient) to G (least efficient).

Energy labelling rules also apply to packages that include a combination of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices.

The Commission will review the existing rules on energy labelling for solid fuel boilers and launched on 28 September 2023 (with a deadline until 21 December 2023) a public consultation and a call for evidence to seek input from the public and from stakeholders.

Understanding the Solid Fuel Boiler Energy Label
Solid fuel boiler energy label
  1. This icon shows the space heating function.
  2. Scale of energy efficiency classes from A+++ to D.
  3. The energy efficiency class of this product.
  4. Water heating function.
  5. Rated heat output in kW.


Solid fuel boilers include packages. A package of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices means a package designed either by manufacturers or by installers containing a solid fuel boiler possibly also containing supplementary heaters, indoor temperature controls and solar thermal panels. Packages in EPREL are offered by manufacturers. Installers can also design packages on the basis of components available in EPREL.

Consult the Packages of Solid Fuel Boilers in EPREL.

Consult Solid Fuel Boilers package components: temperature controlssolar devices.


Eco Tips and Tricks

  • Ensure consistent and uniform fuel feeding to optimize performance 
  • Optimize air intake to achieve better combustion efficiency 


Solid fuel boilers are space heaters that generate heat through the combustion of solid fuels and use a water-based central heating system to distribute the generated heat to multiple rooms.

Efficient solid fuel boilers can save European consumers over €140 million annually by 2030. For example, replacing a conventional solid fuel boiler with a highly efficient solid fuel boiler can save up to €1 050 over the lifetime of the product.

In addition, Ecodesign requirements for solid fuel boilers are expected to improve air quality in Europe and reduce related health problems.

Facts & Figures

This graphic shows the estimated sales, stock, energy consumption (primary, electric or fuel), greenhouse gas emissions, consumer expenses and business revenues for years 2010 and 2030. The estimated values inside the graph bars are those from the EIA ECO-scenario, they include the effects of Ecodesign and Energy Labelling measures.  

The difference with the business as usual (BAU) scenario without these estimated measures is shown next to the graph bar. These figures indicate the estimated savings obtained due to the measures.

Product: Solid Fuel Boilers

Measures: Regulation (EU) 2015/1187, Regulation (EU) 2015/1189

The striped lines in the charts show the 'Effect of the Regulations'

SALES (x1000 units)

Solid Fuel Boiler Sales Chart

STOCK (x1000 units)

Solid Fuel Boiler Stock Chart

Electricity (TWh/a)

Solid Fuel Boiler Electricity Chart

(Mt CO2 eq/a)

Solid Fuel Boiler GHG Emissions Chart

(bn €)

Solid Fuel Boiler Consumer Expenses Chart

(bn €)

Solid Fuel Boiler Revenues Chart

Source: estimations from the Ecodesign Impact Accounting Overview Report 2024

Solid fuel boilers in numbers

4 %
of households has a solid fuel boiler
156 TWh
heat produced in 2020
6.6 %
of EU27 space heating demand

In 2020, 9 million solid fuel boilers (SFBs) were in use in the EU27, of which 66% used wood logs, pellets or chips, and 34% coal. The share using coal is decreasing over the years.

On average, 4% of the EU27 households had a solid fuel boiler.

The SFBs produced a total of 156 TWh of heat in 2020, corresponding to 6.6% of the total EU27 space heating demand.

How efficient?

+5 %
efficiency in 2020 and 2030

In 1990, the average efficiency of sold solid fuel boilers was 41.4%. Without regulations this would have been 71.5% in 2020, but due to Ecodesign and Energy Labelling regulations it was raised to 75.1% (+3.6%points; +5.0%). In 2030 a further increase to 78.0% is expected (+3.4%points; +4.6%).

Energy Savings

-11 TWh
primary energy in 2030
-6 %
due to measures in 2030
-0.07 %
of EU primary energy

The regulations saved 4.4 TWh of primary energy in 2020 (-1.9% compared to no measures), projected to increase to 10.6 TWh by 2030 (-6.2%). 

The 2030 savings are 0.07% of the total EU27 primary energy consumption in 2021 (15250 TWh) and close to the consumption of Malta (9.3 TWh in 2021).

Cost Savings

-€ 0.3 billion
user expenses in 2030
-2.1 %
user expenses

Due to Ecodesign and Energy Labelling measures, EU27 users are projected to save € 0.3 billion on solid fuel boilers in 2030 (-2.1%). 

Expected Savings

Ecodesign measures and labelling for Solid Fuel Boilers were introduced in 2015. The graph here below shows how the efficiencies increase over time. Especially improvements for manual wood boilers (20 %point) in 2030 are significant. In 2030, all SFB are expected to reach an efficiency of either 77% or 78%. These improvements (combined with increased use of ventilation units) yield energy savings of 11 TWh/a in 2030, with corresponding GHG savings of 1.1 Mt CO2eq/a. A large part of the primary energy savings (4.3 TWh/a, 39%) are due to manual wood boilers. Coal-fired boilers give the largest contribution to emission reductions (0.96 Mt CO2eq/a, 83%). A third of the energy savings on SFB come from increased use of (improved) ventilation units which lower the heat load.

Efficiencies Solid Fuel Boilers with and without Measures

Solid fuel boiler efficiencies chart
Solid fuel boiler legend


In addition to minimum efficiency requirements, the regulations also set limits on pollutant emissions. Besides GHG emissions, SFBs produce organic gaseous compounds (OGC), particulate matter (PM) and carbon monoxide (CO). These emissions arise when the combustion of fuels is incomplete, due to a lack of oxygen or too low combustion temperatures. The use of improved combustion technology can not only result in more energy efficiency, but also cleaner products. 

The Ecodesign measures are projected to decrease OGC emissions from 89 kt/a in 2015 to 16 kt/a in 2030 (-48% vs. no measures), PM emissions from 74 kt/a to 27 kt/a (-27% vs. no measures), and CO emissions from 1069 kt/a to 231 kt/a (-40% vs. no measures).

Total EU27 Annual CO Emissions for Solid Fuel Boilers with and without Measures

Solid fuel boiler emissions chart

Source: estimations from the Ecodesign Impact Accounting Overview Report 2024

Useful Links

The best solid fuel boilers on the European Market (2023) |

Holzenergie Schweiz (Swiss Label)

Bundesamt für Energie: Biomasse

Energie Schweiz: Holzenergie

Topten Switzerland Advisor Pelletboiler

Umweltzeichen (Austrian label)

Blauer Engel(German label)

Flammes Verte (French label)

Italian label:

Campaign for “awareness heating”:​​​​​​​


From 1 April 2017 suppliers placing solid fuel boilers on the market or putting them into service, including those integrated in packages of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices, shall ensure that:

(a) each solid fuel boiler is provided with a printed label in the format and containing the information set out in point 1.1 of Annex III and conforming to the energy efficiency classes set out in Annex II, and each solid fuel boiler intended for use in packages of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices is provided with a second label in the format and containing the information set out in point 2 of Annex III;

(b) an electronic label in the format and containing the information set out in point 1.1 of Annex III and conforming to the energy efficiency classes set out in Annex II is made available to dealers for each solid fuel boiler model;

(c) a product fiche, in accordance with point 1 of Annex IV, is provided for each solid fuel boiler, and a second fiche, in accordance with point 2 of Annex IV, is provided for each solid fuel boiler intended for use in packages of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices;

(d) an electronic product fiche, in accordance with point 1 of Annex IV, shall be made available to dealers for each solid fuel boiler model;

(e) the technical documentation, as set out in point 1 of Annex V, is provided on request to the authorities of the Member States and to the Commission;

(f) any advertisement related to a specific solid fuel boiler model and containing energy-related information or price includes a reference to the energy efficiency class of that model;

(g) any technical promotional material concerning a specific solid fuel boiler model and describing its specific technical parameters includes a reference to the energy efficiency class of that model.

From 26 September 2019 suppliers placing solid fuel boilers on the market or putting them into service, including those integrated in packages of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices, shall ensure that:

(a) each solid fuel boiler is provided with a printed label in the format and containing the information set out in point 1.2 of Annex III and conforming to the energy efficiency classes set out in Annex II;

(b) an electronic label in the format and containing the information set out in point 1.2 of Annex III and conforming to the energy efficiency classes set out in Annex II is made available to dealers for each solid fuel boiler model.

From 1 April 2017 suppliers placing packages of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices on the market or putting them into service shall ensure that:

(a) a printed label in the format and containing the information set out in point 2 of Annex III and conforming to the energy efficiency classes set out in Annex II is provided for each package of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices;

(b) an electronic label in the format and containing the information set out in point 2 of Annex III and conforming to the energy efficiency classes set out in Annex II is made available to dealers for each model comprising a package of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices;

(c) a product fiche, in accordance with point 2 of Annex IV, is provided for each package of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices;

(d) an electronic product fiche, in accordance with point 2 of Annex IV, is made available to dealers for each model comprising a package of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices;

(e) the technical documentation, in accordance with point 2 of Annex V, is provided on request to the authorities of the Member States and to the Commission;

(f) any advertisement relating to a specific model comprising a package of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices and which contains energy-related information or price includes a reference to the energy efficiency class for that model;

(g) any technical promotional material concerning a specific model comprising a package of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices which describes its specific technical parameters includes a reference to the energy efficiency class for that model.

Useful Links

The best solid fuel boilers on the European Market (2023) |

Holzenergie Schweiz (Swiss Label)

Bundesamt für Energie: Biomasse

Energie Schweiz: Holzenergie

Topten Switzerland Advisor Pelletboiler

Umweltzeichen (Austrian label)

Blauer Engel(German label)

Flammes Verte (French label)

Italian label:

Campaign for “awareness heating”:


Dealers shall ensure that:

(a) each solid fuel boiler bears, at the point of sale, the label provided by suppliers in accordance with Article 3(1) or 3(2) on the outside of the front of the solid fuel boiler, in such a way as to be clearly visible;

(b) solid fuel boilers offered for sale, hire or hire purchase, where the end-user cannot be expected to see the product displayed, are marketed with the information provided by the suppliers in accordance with point 1 of Annex VI, except where the offer is made through the internet, in which case the provisions in Annex VII shall apply;

(c) any advertisement for a specific solid fuel boiler model which contains containing energy-related or price information includes a reference to the energy efficiency class of that model;

(d) any technical promotional material concerning a specific solid fuel boiler model which describes its specific technical parameters includes a reference to the energy efficiency class of that model.

Retailers in packages of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices shall ensure that:

(a) any offer for a specific package includes the energy efficiency class for that package, by displaying on the package the label provided by the supplier in accordance with Article 3(3)(a) and the product fiche provided by the supplier in accordance with Article 3(3)(c), duly filled with the characteristics of that package;

(b) packages of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices offered for sale, hire or hire purchase, where the end-user cannot be expected to see the package displayed, are marketed with the information provided in accordance with point 2 of Annex VI, except where the offer is made through the internet, in which case the provisions in Annex VII shall apply;

(c) any advertisement relating to a specific model comprising a package of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar device models and which contains energy-related information or price includes a reference to the energy efficiency class for that model;

(d) any technical promotional material concerning a specific model comprising a package of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices which describes its specific technical parameters includes a reference to the energy efficiency class for that model.

Useful Links

The best solid fuel boilers on the European Market (2023) |

Holzenergie Schweiz (Swiss Label)

Bundesamt für Energie: Biomasse

Energie Schweiz: Holzenergie

Topten Switzerland Advisor Pelletboiler

Umweltzeichen (Austrian label)

Blauer Engel(German label)

Flammes Verte (French label)

Campaign for “awareness heating”:


Ongoing legislative work

Please check the ongoing initiatives on the Have your say portal.

Regulation (EU) 2015/1189 of 28 April 2015 implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to Ecodesign requirements for solid fuel boilers (Text with EEA relevance). Read more on Delegated Act.

Regulation (EU) 2015/1187 of 27 April 2015 supplementing Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to Energy Labelling of solid fuel boilers and packages of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices (Text with EEA relevance)

Disclaimer: please pay attention to possible updates/changes as indicated in the Official Journal (green dot)


  • 14 DECEMBER 2023
Guidelines : Ecodesign requirements for heaters and solid fuel boilers
  • 6 MARCH 2024
Impact Assessment
  • 6 MARCH 2024
Summary Impact Assessment