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An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website
Energy Efficient Products


Some key points about EPREL


EPREL is designed to provide consumers with detailed information about the energy efficiency of products sold in the EU. EPREL also serves to give market surveillance authorities streamlined access to additional non-public product documentation and supplier contact information. In short, EPREL is  a tool for bulk purchasers, for public procurement, a compass for the green Taxonomy and, in general, a great tool for monitoring the technology progress.


It covers a wide range of products, including household appliances, lighting, and heating equipment, as well as products for B2B.


Consumers can access the database to compare the energy efficiency of different products before making a purchase.


Manufacturers and importers are required to register their products in EPREL to comply with EU energy labeling regulations.


The database aims to increase transparency and help consumers make more informed decisions to reduce energy consumption and costs.

Contact information

A HELPDESK is available to assists suppliers facing technical issues

Another service, ENER ENERGY LABELLING, provides assistance on policy-related issues when registering the product models.


The Public EPREL website

EPREL facilitates comparisons between different product models, enabling consumers, procurers and the business make informed choices. 

Eprel website

This picture represents the home page of the public EPREL system.

How to use EPREL

On the EPREL home page, you will see a map of all "product groups". A group may include several different products (e.g. the group "displays" includes TVs, monitors or signage, the group "commercial refrigerators" includes 5 types of refrigerators, from food to beverages or ice-cream, etc.).

For every product group you can:

  • search for a specific model (by brand and model name or by registration number)
  • filter for all models fitting to a set of criteria (specific for every different product group)
  • sort the search results up to 3 simultaneous keys
  • analyse the "class population" for the selected models (i.e. how many models are in each class)

When you examine a specific model (via the details button) you get additional information to what you see in the label. For some product groups the information is extremely detailed (e.g. for "refrigerators" or for "light sources" including even the "Spectral power distribution" graph):


For some product groups, whose legislation has been recently reviewed, you may find weblinks to complementary information such as list of spare parts, their indicative cost, repair instructions, or even dismantling information for recyclers.

general info

General Information

In the General Information section, you will find the specific details about the product:

dishwasher general info

Product Information Sheet

The Product Information Sheet is available in several languages and can be downloaded:

product information sheet

Product Availability

The Product Availability section shows when the model has been placed on the Union market:

product availability

Supplier Contact

In the Supplier Contact section, you will find the supplier's contact details:

supplier contact

Report a model

Finally, a specific feature (see here below) allows you to report (anonymously or providing your email address) an error in the registered data: both, the supplier and market surveillance authorities, will be notified.

report model
report model pop up

Additional information

EPREL is hosted by the European Commission. 

Additional information, covering the entire Ecodesign and Energy Labelling legislative framework, is available on the Energy Efficiency Products Portal.

  • If you wish to know about the legislative aspects, you may start from visiting the specific section on the legislative framework.
  • If you are interested in knowing more of specific products and of the legislation covering them, you may visit the portal from the list of products in scope (more coming). This section provides information potentially relevant for consumers, business purchasers, public or private procurers or related to the EU taxonomy.
  • If you are a manufacturer established in the EU, an authorised representative or an importer that needs to register product models you may find relevant information in the specific section for suppliers.
  • If you are a dealer or distributor and you need to know more about your obligations to display the energy labels or to provide information on the product (supplier, documentation, etc.), you may directly visit the section for dealers.