In which form must the year of manufacture be declared on or near the rating plate of the motor? Can this information be declared in encrypted form ? - European Commission
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Energy Efficient Products

In which form must the year of manufacture be declared on or near the rating plate of the motor? Can this information be declared in encrypted form ?

Annex I, 2 'Product information requirements on motors' specifies that the year of manufacture and other relevant information "shall be durably marked on or near the rating plate of the motor. Where the size of the rating plate makes it impossible to mark all the information only the rated efficiency at full rated load and voltage shall be marked". Some economic operators consider that this information is allowed to be missing on the nameplate of the motor when the year of manufacture is marked in an encrypted way. The year of manufacture is thus identifiable, at least for the manufacturer.

The year of manufacture is not only meant for the manufacturer. For market surveillance authorities and consumers the year of manufacture must also be apparent. If it is not practical to declare the full year of production according to the specification (for example, very small motors), the information can be given in code form if this code is explained in an accompanying written information. In this accompanying written information the date must also be declared in an unencrypted form.

Disclaimer: Please note that the European Commission cannot provide a legally binding interpretation of the EU legislation, as this is the sole competence of the European Court of Justice. Any remarks from the European Commission services are without prejudice to the position the Commission might take should related cases arise in a procedure before the Court of Justice.