Which setting should be used to test the fan-forced mode for the label? Could it be misleading that another mode is called “ECO” than the one tested for the label? - European Commission Skip to main content
Energy Efficient Products

Which setting should be used to test the fan-forced mode for the label? Could it be misleading that another mode is called “ECO” than the one tested for the label?

According to Regulations (EU) 66/2014 (Ecodesign) and (EU) 65/2014 (Energy Labelling) the definition of  fan-forced mode is when a built-in fan circulates heated air in the cavity.

For the fan-forced mode on the label, the setting to be used is the one related to the forced air circulation function in accordance with the test procedures in the harmonized standard EN 60350-1:2016.

It could indeed be misleading that another mode than the one tested for the label is called “ECO”.

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