This section contains questions and answers of general interest concerning Ecodesign and Energy Labelling. The answers typically reflect a common understanding between Commission services and the Market Surveillance Authorities of Member States. However, a binding interpretation of Union law is the sole competence of the European Court of Justice, and the Commission shall not be liable for any damage or loss howsoever caused that may result from relying on the information provided here.
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FAQs (392)
RSSA company incorporating a CE marked appliance (e.g. a motor) into its product (e.g. a chiller) may rely on the CE marking of that product (in combination ...
The energy labelling requirements only apply to products that have been placed on the market from the date of application of the applicable ...
This product does not have to bear an energy label, nor should it be registered in EPREL ...
Products containing external power supplies (e.g. USB sockets) which would need to be extracted from the main product and rewired for testing, cannot be ...
All products placed on the Union market for the first time, including imported second-hand products, when made available on the Union market for ...
Do the tyre screening criteria for M and N vehicles apply to the whole European market or are there country-specific criteria?
All C1, C2 and C3 tyres produced from the 1st May 2021 and necessarily placed on the market after this date must show the new label. However, there are ...
There is no Energy label legislation for vacuum cleaners. Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 665/2013 ...
Yes, in general terms they do have to comply with Regulation (EU)1253/2014 (with the caveats/clarifications given in the Guidelines on ...
Yes. The definition of 'with electronic room temperature control plus day timer' in Regulation (EU) 2024/1103 does not specify manually/automatic, or ...