This section contains questions and answers of general interest concerning Ecodesign and Energy Labelling. The answers typically reflect a common understanding between Commission services and the Market Surveillance Authorities of Member States. However, a binding interpretation of Union law is the sole competence of the European Court of Justice, and the Commission shall not be liable for any damage or loss howsoever caused that may result from relying on the information provided here.
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FAQs (392)
RSSBoth types of suppliers need to undertake the electronic verification process as required by Regulation (EU) 2024/994, however the deadlines and ...
In 2013, the EU adopted Regulation (EU) 65/2014, establishing Energy Labelling rules on ovens and range hoods and Regulation (EU) 66/2014, which sets ...
No, there is no Energy Labelling regulation for External ...
A list of trust service providers is available. Please consider that.....
Dehumidifiers are excluded from the scope of Regulation (EU) 626/2011 on the energy label of air conditioners and from the scope of Ecodesign ...
Measured values result directly from measurement by manufacturers, carried out in the context of conformity assessment. These values must be available ...
Since the product is both a dishwasher and an oven, two labels and two product fiches have to be shown in the web-shop, one for the dishwasher part and ...
The heat output is independent of net or gross calorific value. The difference between net and gross calorific value affects the fuel input (for example ...
The purchasing contract has to be signed before that date. If it contains an option for delivery of transformers in the future with parameters not ...
Displays integrated in other products can be considered as components or sub-assemblies, and therefore excluded from the scope of the Regulation ...