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What is the meaning of the kerosene exemption in the note regarding the reference nitrogen content of liquid fuel for boilers using liquid fuels?

In Commission Communication 2014/C 207/02, what is the meaning of the kerosene exemption in the note regarding the reference nitrogen content of liquid fuel for boilers using liquid fuels?

The maximum NOx emission threshold in Regulation 813/2013 has been established on the basis of data referring to the standard of 2009 and hence for a reference fuel with a nitrogen content of 140 mg/kg. Hence, despite the fact that the recent versions of the EN267 standard (EN267:2009+A1:2011 and EN267:2020) use for reference a fuel with a zero nitrogen content, the transitional method rightly indicates that the reference of 140 mg/kg should be used and how to correct the values resulting from the use of recent versions of EN267.   

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