The Methodology for Ecodesign of Energy-related Products (MEErP henceforth) consists of a techno-economic-environmental assessment of a specific product group. This assessment is the main analytical step in the potential implementation of the Ecodesign Directive on a specific product group.
The MEErP is open, iterative, transparent, and utilises a tool (the EcoReport tool) that is free at the point of use, and is simple to use whilst being sufficiently complex/ complete in order to capture the main inputs and outputs at product specific level. The EcoReport is a streamlined life-cycle based tool that is openly available, with no presumption or requirement of prior purchase of a commercially-available Life Cycle Assessment package.
The methodology for the ecodesign of energy-related products is used to prepare draft implementing measures.
In the scope of the study are rechargeable electrochemical batteries with a primary focus on 'industrial batteries' according to the definitions of the Battery Directive (2006/66/EC), i.e. any battery designed for exclusively industrial or professional uses or used in any type of electric vehicle.
About the Ecodesign Directive
Sustainable industrial policy aims in particular at developing a policy to foster environmental and energy efficient products in the internal market. The Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC is the cornerstone of this approach. It establishes a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products with the aim of ensuring the free movement of those products within the internal market. Directive 2009/125/EC repealed the original Directive 2005/32/EC for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-using products. It prevents disparate national legislations on the environmental performance of these products from becoming obstacles to the intra-EU trade and contributes to sustainable development by increasing energy efficiency and the level of protection of the environment, taking into account the whole life cycle cost.
The Ecodesign directive itself does not set binding requirements on products: it provides a framework (rules and criteria) for setting such requirements through implementing measures. It is also possible to introduce information requirements for components and sub-assemblies. The Commission prepares implementing measures only for products which have significant sales and trade in the EU, a significant environmental impact and potential for improvement. .
Europe on the Move
The Communication “Europe on the Move: Sustainable Mobility for Europe: safe, connected and clean” adopted on 17th May 2018 included in annex a Strategic Action Plan on Batteries. In this plan, the Commission commits to launching a study on the key determining factors for the production of safe and sustainable ('green') batteries. On that basis, the Commission plans to put forward battery sustainability “design and use” requirements for all batteries to comply with when placed on the EU internal market. In addition, the Commission has committed to supporting a sustainable battery value chain as a key driver for EU competitiveness.
The Methodology
What is the MEErP?
The Methodology for Ecodesign of Energy-related products (MEErP), as established in 2011, was developed to allow evaluating whether and to which extent various energy-related products fulfil certain criteria according to Article 15 and Annex I and/or II of the Ecodesign Directive that make them eligible for implementing measures. This methodology requires the contractor to carry out 7 tasks, ranging from product definition to policy scenario analysis.
The tasks in the MEErP entail:
- Task 1 – Scope (definitions, standards and legislation);
- Task 2 – Markets (volumes and prices);
- Task 3 – Users (product demand side);
- Task 4 – Technologies (product supply side, includes both BAT and BNAT);
- Task 5 – Environment & Economics (Base case LCA & LCC);
- Task 6 – Design options;
- Task 7 – Scenarios (Policy, scenario, impact and sensitivity analysis).
Tasks 1 to 4 can be performed in parallel, whereas 5, 6 and 7 are sequential. Task 0 or a Quick-scan is optional to Task 1 for the case of large or inhomogeneous product groups, where it is recommended to carry out a first product screening. The objective is to re-group or narrow the product scope, as appropriate from an ecodesign point of view, for the subsequent analysis in tasks 2-7.

What are Energy-related products?
Directive 2009/125/EC provides the following definition of energy-related products:
Article 2, item 1: "Energy-related product means any good that has an impact on energy consumption during use, which is placed on the market and/or put into service ...(including parts) ... of which the environmental performance can be assessed independently."
Why should stakeholders be involved?
The European Commission is dedicated in giving stakeholders the opportunity to provide input to this study thereby creating a fully transparent and open process. This website is the main information exchange platform between the study-team, the Commission and the stakeholders.
All (draft) documents will be freely available through this website, but if you register as stakeholder you will receive notifications on website updates. Furthermore, as stakeholder, you can provide direct feedback to draft reports published on this website and make suggestions for energy-related products.
Useful links
Welcome | Ecodesign preparatory Study for Batteries (
EUR-Lex - C(2022)2026 - EN - EUR-Lex ( - Ecodesign & Energylabelling Working Plan 2022-2024 (Annex: Methodology for the Ecodesign for Energy-related Products)
Sustainable product policy & ecodesign ( - Support tools for Experts