Servers and Data Storage Products - European Commission
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Energy Efficient Products
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Servers and Data Storage Products

Ecodesign requirements apply to these products.

A ‘Server’ (or Enterprise Server, ES) means a computing product that provides services and manages networked resources for client devices, such as desktop computers, notebook computers, desktop thin clients, internet protocol telephones, smartphones, tablets, tele-communication, automated systems or other servers, primarily accessed via network connections, and not through direct user input devices, such as a keyboard or mouse.

Some servers were covered by Regulation 617/2013 (Computers), but since 2019 medium-sized servers and online data storage products have their own Ecodesign Regulation 2019/424 (small-scale servers remain in CR 617/2013; very large servers with >32 slots are exempt).

In estimating the impacts of the regulations, distinctions are made between servers depending on their configuration (tower, rack, blade), number of sockets (1, 2, 4), resilience (yes/no, extensive reliability, availability, serviceability, scalability), and access type (traditional or cloud).

Rack servers are stand-alone devices, comprising all necessary components to operate. The rack servers can be stacked in a standardised U-rack (hence their name), for ease of management and interconnection for combined computing power.

Please note that Regulation (EU) 2019/424 is under review.

Source: estimations from the Ecodesign Impact Accounting Overview Report 2024


The following table shows some examples of products in scope and out of scope in the Ecodesign Regulation:

In ScopeOut of Scope
  • servers
  • online data storage products
  • servers intended for embedded applications;
  • servers classified as small scale servers in terms of Regulation (EU) 617/2013;

Check the complete list in the Ecodesign Regulation and Energy Labelling Regulation

Ecodesign Requirements

Enterprise servers and data storage products, which cover so-called business-to-business computers typically found in data centres and server rooms of companies, sold in the EU are subject to rules laid out in the Regulation on Ecodesign requirements for servers and data storage products EU 2019/424

The objective of the regulation is to limit the environmental impact of these products with a set of rules on energy efficiency, such as minimum efficiency of the power supply units and minimum server efficiency in active state, maximum consumption in idle state and information on the product operating temperature.

The regulation also takes into account circular economy aspects such as extraction of key-components and of critical raw materials, availability of a functionality for secure data deletion and provision of the latest available version of firmware.

Please note that Regulation (EU) 2019/424 is under review.



Switching to products that comply with the ecodesign rules will lead to electricity savings of up to 9TWh/year, approximately the yearly electricity consumption of Estonia in 2014. It will also lead to greenhouse gas emission reductions of up to 3 Mton CO2eq per year.

Facts & Figures

This graphic shows the estimated sales, stock, energy consumption (primary, electric or fuel), greenhouse gas emissions, consumer expenses and business revenues for years 2010 and 2030. The estimated values inside the graph bars are those from the EIA ECO-scenario, they include the effects of Ecodesign and Energy Labelling measures.  

The difference with the business as usual (BAU) scenario without these estimated measures is shown next to the graph bar. These figures indicate the estimated savings obtained due to the measures.

Product: Servers and data storage products

Measures: Regulation (EU) 2019/424

The striped lines in the charts show the 'Effect of the Regulations'

SALES (x1000 units)

Servers Data Storage Sales Chart

STOCK (x1000 units)

Servers Data Storage Stock Chart

Electricity (TWh/a)

Servers Data Storage Electricity Chart

(Mt CO2 eq/a)

Servers Data Storage GHG Emissions Chart

(bn €)

Servers Data Storage Consumer Expenses Chart

(bn €)

Servers Data Storage Revenues Chart

Source: estimations from the Ecodesign Impact Accounting Overview Report 2024

Servers and Data Storage Products in numbers

17 million
computer servers in 2020
3 million
data storage products in 2020
26.5 TWh
of electricity to be supplied by power supplies to servers in 2020

In 1990, 16 million computer servers were in use in the EU27, of which 76% for traditional use and 24% for cloud services.

In 2020, this increased to 17 million servers, of which 51% for cloud services.

In 2030, the projection is 23 million servers, with 56% used for cloud services.

In parallel, the data storage products in use in the EU27 increased from 2.4 million in 2010, to 3.1 million in 2020, and expected 3.8 million in 2030.

The focus of Ecodesign regulation 2019/424 is on the efficiency of the internal power supply units (PSUs). In 2010-2030, the average PSU has to supply its computer with ≈2000 kWh of electricity per year, for a EU27 total supply of 26.5 TWh of electricity (26.5 billion kilowatt-hours) to computer servers and 15.5 TWh to data storage products.

How efficient?

+4 %
efficiency for PSUs of servers in 2030
+3 %
efficiency for PSUs of data storage products in 2030

In 1990, the PSUs of sold servers had an average efficiency of 71%, while for data storage products this was 77%

In 2020, without regulations, PSU efficiencies would have been respectively 83% and 89%, but due to the Ecodesign regulation this was raised to 86% (+3%) for servers and 91% (+2%) for data storage products. 

By 2030, a further increase to 92% (+4%) for servers and 95% (+3%) for data storage products is foreseen.

Energy Savings

-3 TWh
electricity in 2030
-4 %
due to measures
-0.13 %
of EU electricity

In 2030, Ecodesign regulation 2019/424 is projected to save the EU27 users 3.0 TWh of electricity, a 4% saving.

These savings are 0.13% of the total EU27 electricity consumption in 2020, and higher than the consumption of Malta.

Cost Savings

-€ 0.6 billion
user expenses in 2030
-1.1 %
due to measures

Due to the Ecodesign regulation, EU27 users are projected to save € 0.6 billion on servers and data storage products in 2030, a saving of 1.1%

Expected Savings

In 2020, Servers and Data Storage products consumed 48 TWh/a of electricity. Without measures, this is projected to increase to 70 TWh/a in 2030 (+45%). Due to the proposed measures this can be reduced to 67 TWh/a, a saving of 4%.

This electricity saving corresponds to a reduction of 0.3 MtCO2eq/a of greenhouse gas emissions in 2030.

EU27 Electricity for Servers and Data Storage Products (Excl. Cooling of Data Centre Spaces)

Servers Data Storage electricity chart

Source: estimations from the Ecodesign Impact Accounting Overview Report 2024


Ongoing legislative work

Please check the ongoing initiatives on the Have your say portal.

Regulation (EU) 2019/424 of 15 March 2019 laying down Ecodesign requirements for servers and data storage products pursuant to Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and amending Commission Regulation (EU) 617/2013 (Text with EEA relevance).

Key points

  • The regulation establishes Ecodesign requirements for placing servers and online data storage products on the market and putting them into service.
  • The regulation does not apply to:
    • servers intended for embedded applications;
    • servers classified as small-scale servers under Regulation (EU) 617/2013;
    • servers with more than four processor sockets;
    • server appliances;
    • large servers;
    • fully fault-tolerant servers;
    • network servers;
    • small data storage products;
    • large data storage products.
  • The regulation amends Regulation (EU) 617/2013 to exclude computer servers from its scope.
  • The Ecodesign requirements are set out in Annex II.
  • The regulation specifies which conformity assessment procedures apply.
  • National authorities must apply the verification procedures laid down in Annex IV when carrying out market surveillance checks.
  • Annex V sets out indicative benchmarks for the best-performing servers and data storage products available on the market.
  • The European Commission must review this regulation in the light of technological progress and present its results, including, if appropriate, a draft revision proposal, by March 2022.

From when does the regulation apply?

It has applied since 7 April 2019. The regulation’s amendments to Regulation (EU) 617/2013 have applied since 1 March 2020.


Directive 2009/125/EC establishes a framework to set Ecodesign requirements for energy-related products. The Commission must set these requirements for products which are widely sold and traded in the EU and have a significant environmental impact.

For more information see:

Disclaimer: please pay attention to possible updates/changes as indicated in the Official Journal (green dot)


  • 19 DECEMBER 2023
Ecodesign frequently asked questions (FAQ) on servers and data storage products (May 2020)