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Energy Efficient Products
Water pump image
Water Pumps

Ecodesign requirements apply to this product.

Commission Regulation (EU) 547/2012 (“the Regulation") sets minimum energy efficiency requirements for different types of rotodynamic water pumps, including when integrated in other products. The regulation also sets mandatory information requirements including energy efficiency.

The hydraulic efficiency of a pump is the hydraulic power supplied to the fluid (in Watts, calculated as head (pressure) times flow) divided by the mechanical power delivered to the pump shaft (in Watts, calculated as torque times angular speed).

The metrics used in the Regulation is the ‘Minimum Efficiency Index’ (MEI). It is a dimensionless unit that represents the percentage of inefficient pumps that are removed from the market, based on the market survey carried out in the preparatory study in 2008. For example, MEI ≥ 0.40 means that the requirement is set in such a way that 40 % of the models on the market are eliminated because of their low efficiency. These models need to be re-designed or replaced by more efficient ones. The Regulation contains formulae that relate the MEI to the measured hydraulic efficiency.


Water pumps are defined as ‘the hydraulic part of a device that moves clean water by physical or mechanical action and is of one of the following designs: End suction own bearing (ESOB), End suction close coupled (ESCC), End suction close coupled inline (ESCCi), Vertical multistage (MS-V), Submersible multistage (MSS).

The following table shows some examples of products in scope and out of scope in the Ecodesign Regulation:

In ScopeOut of Scope
  • Rotodynamic water pumps for pumping clean water, including where integrated in other products
  • Water pumps designed specifically for pumping clean water at temperatures below – 10 °C or above 120 °C, except with regard to the information requirements of Annex II, points 2(11) to 2(13)

Check the complete list in the Ecodesign Regulation.

Ecodesign Requirements

Ecodesign requirements covering both product information and efficiency apply to water pumps placed on the EU market.


Facts & Figures

This graphic shows the estimated sales, stock, energy consumption (primary, electric or fuel), greenhouse gas emissions, consumer expenses and business revenues for years 2010 and 2030. The estimated values inside the graph bars are those from the EIA ECO-scenario, they include the effects of Ecodesign and Energy Labelling measures.  

The difference with the business as usual (BAU) scenario without these estimated measures is shown next to the graph bar. These figures indicate the estimated savings obtained due to the measures.

Product: Water Pumps

Measures: Regulation (EU) 547/2012

The striped lines in the charts show the 'Effect of the Regulations'

SALES (x1000 units)

Water Pump Sales Chart

STOCK (x1000 units)

Water Pump Stock Chart

Electricity (TWh/a)

Water Pump Electricity Chart

(Mt CO2 eq/a)

Water Pump GHG Emissions Chart

(bn €)

Water Pump Consumer Expenses Chart

(bn €)

Water Pump Revenues Chart

Source: estimations from the Ecodesign Impact Accounting Overview Report 2024

Water pumps in numbers

14.5 million
water pumps in 2020
19.6 million
litres of water per second moved to a height of 100 meters for 5000 hours per year
7.5 %
of EU27 electricity consumption

In 2020, 14.5 million regulated water pumps were in use in the EU27, of which 39% end-suction pumps, 16% vertical multistage, and 45% submergible multistage. 

The total fluid energy output of these pumps was 96 TWh in 2020. This corresponds to moving 19.6 million litres per second of water to a height of 100 meters for 5000 hours per year.

To perform this job, the pumps used 179 TWh of electricity. This is 7.5% of the EU27 total electricity consumption in 2020, and close to the combined consumptions of Poland (137 TWh) and Romania (44 TWh).

How efficient?

+2.8 %
relative sales-average efficiency

The 96 TWh flow output and 179 TWh electricity input in 2020 imply an average efficiency of pumps in use of 54.0%. Without measures this would have been 53.0%, implying an improvement due to the measures of 1.9% relative in 2020 (and 2030).

The sales-average efficiency increased from 49.8% without measures to 51.2% in 2020 (+2.8%) and expected 51.4% in 2030 (+2.4%) 

Energy Savings

-3.3 TWh
electricity in 2020
-1.8 %
due to measures
-0.14 %
of EU electricity

The regulations saved 3.3 TWh of electricity in 2020 (-1.8% due to measures), increasing to 3.7 TWh in 2030 (-1.8%). 

These savings are 0.14% of the total EU27 electricity consumption in 2020 (2384 TWh), and higher than the consumption of Malta in that year (2.4 TWh).

Cost Savings

-€ 0.5 billion
user expenses in 2020
-1.1 %
user expenses in 2020

Due to Ecodesign measures, EU27 users saved € 0.5 billion on water pumps in 2020 (-1.1%), forecasted to increase to € 0.6 billion in 2030 (-1.2%).

Expected Savings

In 2020, clean water pumps consumed 180 TWh/a of electricity (input energy to motors driving the pumps), corresponding to 42 Mt CO2eq/a GHG emissions. Due to an increasing stock this would have increased to 201 TWh/a and 21 Mt CO2eq/a in 2030. The Ecodesign measures are expected to realise savings of 3.7 TWh/a and 0.4 Mt CO2eq/a in 2030.

Total EU27 Annual Electricity Consumption of Water Pumps for Scenario with and without Measures

Water Pump Electricity Consumption Chart
Water Pump Electricity Consumption Legend

Source: estimations from the Ecodesign Impact Accounting Overview Report 2024


Ongoing legislative work

Please check the ongoing initiatives on the Have your say portal.

Regulation (EU) 547/2012 of 25 June 2012 implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to Ecodesign requirements for water pumps Text with EEA relevance.

Disclaimer: please pay attention to possible updates/changes as indicated in the Official Journal (green dot)


  • 6 MARCH 2024
Impact Assessment
  • 6 MARCH 2024
Summary Impact Assessment