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Energy Efficient Products

How should 'intend to acquire a new vehicle' be interpreted?

Do vehicle suppliers have to provide the required information only to those 'going to order a vehicle', thus signing a contract, or also to visitors of the vehicle store but not necessarily going to sign a purchase agreement? 

The label, with the pPIS, has to help the end-user in making an informed purchase choice.

The provision of the tyre label should not be intended as a mere document to attach at the time of signature, but as part of the technical promotional material provided to influence the purchase decision. This appears particularly relevant if the vehicle is proposed with different rims of different size and thus different tyres types that may have an influence on the energy consumption of the vehicle, whatever “fuel” it uses (including electricity).

'Intend to acquire' suggests that the decision is close to be taken but not formalised yet, i.e. with the signature of a reservation, order or purchase contract. Therefore, at the very latest before such an irreversible action, vehicle suppliers and vehicle distributors have to provide this element of complementary information as, in principle, may it influence their purchase choice (e.g. on which rims and tyre combination).

This has to be considered as applicable not only for a vehicle displayed in a store, but also for on-line sales.

Disclaimer: Please note that the European Commission cannot provide a legally binding interpretation of the EU legislation, as this is the sole competence of the European Court of Justice. Any remarks from the European Commission services are without prejudice to the position the Commission might take should related cases arise in a procedure before the Court of Justice.