This section contains questions and answers of general interest concerning Ecodesign and Energy Labelling. The answers typically reflect a common understanding between Commission services and the Market Surveillance Authorities of Member States. However, a binding interpretation of Union law is the sole competence of the European Court of Justice, and the Commission shall not be liable for any damage or loss howsoever caused that may result from relying on the information provided here.
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FAQs (392)
RSSAs per the provision laid down in Annex II.1.2.1 to the regulation, manufacturers ‘shall ensure that joining, fastening or sealing techniques do not
The regulation does not take the latent energy/efficiency into consideration. According to definition 6 of Annex I, Part 1 and definition 11 of Annex ...
Changed test and calculation methods that better reflect actual use, as well as new boundaries between the energy classes, mean that it is not ...
The final format and visual identity of the new labels for the above product groups and for ‘refrigerating appliances with a direct sales function...
The “omnibus” amendment has clarified the verification procedure by explicitly mentioning that the values included in the technical documentation ...
<p>When assessing compliance with regard to the requirements of the regulation for both partially populated and full populated server configurations, the ...</p>
For the calculation of internal specific fan power, SFPint,:
In cases where internal pressure measurements can be performed, the internal fan ...
The Regulation describes the measurement of the on-mode power in Annex IIIa Point 1.2.7. The on-mode power must be measured at the AC input in the ...
Article 4 states all obligations of tyre suppliers regarding the provision of labels and product information sheets (PIS). For some specific elements ...
This varies slightly between different product groups. For refrigeration appliances, a product with C may use more than 50% more electricity ...